Friday, September 30, 2011

I can't stop buying Orchids

It's true I really can't stop buying orchids....I now have 4 orchids two of which are rare hybrids and cost a ridiculous amount of money for a house plant. I bought my newest one last week. It is a purple and white phalaenopsis. The hybrid plants are also phalaenopsis but they are bright blue in color. My fourth orchid and the one that I have had the longest is a oncidium. I'm really hoping that the oncidium is going to bloom again soon! I managed to re-pot that one without killing it and it has a lot of new growth on it.

I can't believe I'm sitting in my room blogging about my house plants on a Friday night....I must confess that I'm really not feeling well tonight and maybe that's the reason for my lack of socializing....or maybe this is what happens when you are about to turn 25 you realize your house plants are more rewarding then bar hopping every weekend....I'm also feeling committed to my budget currently and this activity is costing me nothing....

I really do find my house plants to be rewarding. They are much less needy then Nikko and much quieter then the birds. I think I just like making them grow. I would really like to get a spray bottle to mist the leaves of my fern I think it needs more humidity, it's growth seems stunted.

Well to jazz up my Friday night I'm going to go attempt to bake a pumpkin and then make pumpkin bars.