Monday, August 15, 2011

When Old People Dye Their Hair

Today, I'm on my way to see a "problem" patient who I had been attempting to visit since the middle of last week and I was contemplating how I just never know what I'm going to find when I walk into someones home. I was interested to meet my patient's wife who had a very distinct, some might say man-ish voice and envisioned my patient to have that sweet old man look about him. I parked and took the elevator up as I stepped out a 4'11" elderly gentleman greeted me with jet black curly hair. Needless to say I spent a lot of time staring at his hair but really got me was he also chose to dye his eyebrows jet black too. It all came together when later in the visit he told me he used to be a hairdresser. Here's my thought for the day, if you are over 65 years old you really should think twice about dying your hair and eyebrows jet black, it's so obviously not natural.

Disappointingly the wife with the man voice was not home.


  1. Your mom gave me your blog address! Cool! Not sure if you know I have a blog too. I love blogging. When I do it! Do I have your permission to link your blog onto my blog? So then I'll see whenever you post something new. And that way I won't keep checking it & there's nothing new on there! :) How's Boston anyway???

  2. Hey Jewel! of course you can link my blog to yours. Boston is been pretty good, I think I'm ready for a trip back to Michigan soon!!!

  3. This is your finest work. Please write again soon. True life Nashua works, too!
